Nina Merkulova

Web Design & Developer

my photo



  • Russian University of Peoples Friendship, Faculty of Medcine 2003-2011


  • Tomsk State University, "Web-development from scratch to the first projects" 2023
  • Hexlet, "Preparatory course frontend developer" 2023


  • Upper intermediate


  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JS
  • GIT
  • VScode

Personal skills

  • Communication
  • Creativity
  • Teamwork

Code Examples

                    function multiply(a, b){
                    return a * b;


About me

Hello, I am Nina and six month ago, I had no idea how the frontend differs from the backend. But the book on the basics of HTML got into my hands, and I realized, that I had found a case that I was really interested in. Sinse then, all my free time has been devoted to the theory and practtice of frontend development. This is the buisness in which I would like to develop further.